Monday, December 28, 2009

Google Profit Scam Recovery System

Google Profit Scam Recovery System

   For those of you out there that where fooled into believing that $1.97 and a disc would change your career,  guess again.  From experience I can tell you that this is just a ploy to make you spend money on other Google related products.    The information on their website after I signed up was lenghthy, but interesting in their approaches to the issue of making $$. .   If you have a login, then you get to see what I mean.  Please don't purchase this, as I'll go through the basic chapters they talk about.    There are a total of 8 steps to success.

     Introduction to Affiliates:   Sounds easy and it is.   Common affiliates are Amazon, Google Adsense, & just about any other website who will pay a small commission for "Clicks" on their ads or purchases.   These are the ones that make money, not much, but some.  We're looking at pennies per day if you have your own website.   The trick is to support items that people want to buy.   This comes in the form of links and banners,  text banners and product reviews.   Some of the affiliates to avoid are:   Clickbank, commissionjunction, & linkshare.    They're offering  fraudulent products and misleading offers leading to phishing and other internet crimes. 

    Finding a website to promote:   This is not as easy as it sounds.   Millions of websites out there are borderline scams.  The marketing ploys these days are vastly superior and very eye-catching to boot.    The best and absolute way to promote a website is to try and contact the owner of the site.   Request an affiliate program for selling your products and promoting theirs.   Also, there are certain other benefits,  like data bases of opt-in email addresses, that you could purchase for less than 20 dollars.    Rather than find a website to promote, seek out what people are buying these days.

    Adwords account:   Unless you are willing to pay a couple dollars per day or more,  count this feature out.   I've tried this on a paying basis and can personally tell you that it's not worth it.     Two dollars a day will get you page 10 on any Google search.   Who checks page 10 ?     Odds are that 1 in a million "Searchers" will encounter your site.   Having billions of surfers helps increase these odds, however, 10 in a million isn't much better.     Eventually,  the monthly charges exceed the Adsense income & associated affiliates.   

    Managing your account is easy if you opt-out like stated above.    Having the spirit to continue with this involves the great time-consuming effort of figuring out all the menus, links and the like.   Once you enter your maximum of 2000 keywords, it could be several days later.   And to make matters worse,  keywords change frequently.  All the time spent updating will add countless hours to your agenda.   My advice,  stick without the adword stuff & save your money.   I'm going to skip a few steps, so bear with me.   These steps are not necessary and will not affect your results.

    Tools for success:   One of the main tools here is called a Campaign ad.   Without this you can guarantee that no one will see or be directed to your site.   These ads are posted every time you search a specific keyword, like "PS3".  If your ad does not have the exact keywords,  Good-bye first page results.  Better off doing a search on "Keywords for PS3" or similar.    This may tell you the words needed to add to your campaign ad.  

    Articles for campaigning and blog:   Writing interesting articles like this one will not only forward credible viewers called "Hits" to your site, it'll generate an interest in the website subject related content you wish to talk about.    Make sure your site is on topic or has different pages to many subjects that can be enjoyed.   Avoid graphic banners or pop-up window ads because this is a natural deterrent.    Text ads seem to work much better.   If all possible add small picture clips to enhance graphic details in relation to subject.     Next we focus on links.   Remember that links will guide your viewers to another website, away from yours, so unless you have an affiliate linked to your website, you're directing traffic elsewhere.    The idea is "Stickyness", or get visitors to stay on your site for extra amount of time gobbling up all the data they can get,  more like a cyber buffet.   All that you can eat for "X" amount of time so to speak.

      Combatting this is not easy and there are many phone calls to make.   Start by monitoring your credit card purchases.   Most Credit Card services offer online accounts and you get to see what it being charged to your account.  What I did was this:   When the charges appear, call directly to your credit card hotline and dispute it.   Some cards are rejecting the dispute, however there is another solution and you don't have to talk to anyone.   Don't cancel the card thinking that this will solve it because it won't.   The charges will only elevate and ruin your credit. 

      Bless the internet for this one,  Online disputing.    I've been rejected numerous times and still got out of the charges.    We'll have to wait until your card starts its new billing cycle, then select dispute online, type in your reasons and hit ENTER.    While you'll still more than likely have to pay the outstanding bill to keep your credit rating intact and avoid fees for not paying it off,   the charge(s) will be put through a "Chargeback" mode.     I haven't had one fraudulent charge not removed.     These places find that if you don't dispute them, they make money and if you do, too bad.

      Remember that next time something sounds too good to be true, search Google or Yahoo for Example: "Google Profits SCAM".   Always use the "SCAM" on the end of it to see countless pages of grief & gripes.     This world has nothing better to do than to make money the illegal ways or destroy your future with Phishing techniques & Spyware.
 As a bonus,  I've set up some text files that briefly describe the contents of Google Profits.    They can be found on my website and downloaded FREE of spyware and of charge. .     Thank you for your interest and hope to keep you reading my articles as they come out.        

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wind Power Overrated ?

   Today's stretch for independence seems a bit out of grasp for most homeowners.
Especially when it comes to Going Green, 99% of products out there are SCAMS unless we come up with big bucks. Having spent over $25,000 myself for a radiant floor/water heating system, I now know that it works great only when the Sun is out during the day.  Most of this month has been overcast and dismal, yet I'm still getting power from the wind turbines.  What is it exactly that makes Wind Power attractive at all ?

   First of all, we explore exactly what's produced from these systems.   Since the average market design is in the form of a D/C motor, we can expect high maintenance costs, low output, and quite frankly these systems only last a few months.   Yikes !  We spend over a thousand dollars on something that looks pretty, however doesn't last long.   Just to give everyone a small example of the capabilities of a D/C motor, the fact of the matter is this:  D/C motors run HOT.  Heat causes things to expand and wear out quickly if not properly ventilated or cooled.   An all out bad design when putting out into the weather elements, wouldn't you say ?  My design uses remanufactured alternators.  Alternators have stood the test of time inside very hot engine compartments.  This gets my vote every time.  Simply put, the heat doesn't bother them and the bearings stay good for years without maintenance.  Knowing this, we can encapsulate and weather-proof them when built into a wind turbine generator motor.  Now, there are certain tricks to producing power from an alternator.  The old one's coil must be re-wound and a different rotor is used to create a A/C 3 phase flux.  This is the electrical voltage/current produced when the rotor passed by one of the stator coil elements.  With a proper coil/rotor match we can expect 12 volts at about 150-200 rpms and minimal amperage, say 0-3 amps.  The energy created is channeled into a rectifier diode which converts to D/C current ready for battery charging.

  Don't expect much power to be produced ?   By running a single 0-600 watt turbine with a battery & inverter system will only save about .05 to .10 cents per day on your electric bill.  Translation:  $1.50 to $3.00 per month savings, however, small loads can be maintained with a properly sized battery/wind system.   For those of us who expect bigger results are soon convinced that it may not be worth the investment.   I could not disagree more on that.   Here are the advantages:   Rising electricity cost savings,  slow but efficient cost recovery.  My very dependable design allows virtually no maintenance after installation.   It's thrilling to know that I'm saving the planet's carbon footprint a little every day and am NOT using Fossil fuels, nor paying taxes on them.   I have included safety features, like a Furling mechanism which turns the turbine out of the wind long enough to offset the gale force winds.  Not to mention a simple design with the blades that keeps them quiet when spinning.   This up-and-coming tax season we will be able to write off a portion (up to 30% of costs to build) on the IRS form 5695 (2009 version) not 2008s.   If that doesn't add to your eagerness to try this approach,  I don't know what is.  The president is trying feverishly to get us into independent FREE energy systems like this.  Shall we help him and the Economy ?

   The 3 most abundant sources of FREE energy in the world are HEAT (from solar), WIND (cyclonic weather reactions related to heat release), and HYDRO power water currents from wind & heat reactions.  Which one you choose is up to you and is most available in your area.  My choice was a combination of Solar & Wind and I'm glad that choice was made.   When one system is working, the other may be resting.   Combined is just awesome !    Why not produce energy while you sleep ?   With my plans for a wind turbine, rest assured, you'll be paying yourself back very soon !

Literature on Solar, Wind Renewable Energy Systems:  Got Sun Go Solar,  Power With Nature 2nd Edition, Solar Power For Dummies (Beginners) to say the least.  Search my Amazon ads for dozens more books on the subject and what ever other pleasures you'll find....

 Visit:  and buy yourself a copy now.

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Honey Bees An Endangered Species ?

   Once upon a time there was a flourishing abundance of Honey Bees in the wild.   Until one October day of 1852, a fellow named Lorenzo Langstroth appeared not only to patent his "Langstroth" hive but was considered to be the "Father of American Beekeeping"  later on.    He was very into researching all kinds of insects and ants to observe their culture.   Honey bees where his favorite pastime.   With the hives, the bees where able to produce massive colonies with an over abundance of Honey in as little as a few months !    Just about 70 years later,  something started to happen to Honey Bees and they have been diminishing at an alarming rate since the 1970's.   For those who aren't aware of this seriousness, let it be known that 1/3 of our food source  is pollinated by Honey Bees.    What are we going to do about it ?    Can we do anything to help ?

   CCD (colony collapse disorder) is the blame for most of our hives troubles these days.  Back in 1896 was the first ever recorded CCD incident.   Nothing was thought of it and was left nearly untouched for 80 years.  In 1972,  there began the most dramatic reduction in Honey Bee population through 2006.  Literally millions of bees where disappearing from North America in the Western region along with Western & Central Europe.  Why ?  Research is still being conducted to this day and some glimmer of hope is on the horizon.  

   Recent studies have shown that the Varroa mite is the prime culprit for CCD.   Where are these mites getting their diseases from ?    Like most diseases and virus strains, they adapt and overcome the pesticides given to eradicate them, resulting a stronger mite.    Over the past few decades their resistance to a product called Apistan (Varroa Mite pesticide) has rendered it just about useless.   Reading the label on this chemical states that is "Toxic to Bees and Fish".    I, for one am Pro-Organic when it comes to treating these ailments.   Let nature defend itself !    Our bodies fight new strains of infection and virus constantly to keep us healthy,  insects are the same,  they persevere.   In further studies of CCD, it was diagnosed that the Varroa mite was a carrier of a virus that attacks the bees Ribosomes.  Ribosomes are part of the DNA structure called RNA and produce proteins to interact with DNA.   Once the Ribosomes are altered by the virus, sends mixed signals to the DNA and compromises the bees immune system resulting in sort of a hemorrhaging action until death.  

   There is still a promosing outlook.   Since diagnosis,  it appears that the bees immune system are adapting to the threat.     Up to around 80% of wild bees and domestic where wiped out due to this and they're fighting back.   Hope is in the air.   Ever heard the term, "Life finds a Way ?"    It's in our best interest and our futures interest that we help and aid the cause to repopulate Honey Bees.    Our little friends do a lot of work in their short life spans,  let's help them by planting Purple (Russian Sage),  White (Flowering Fruit Trees), or Yellow Goldenrod flowers, and by using natural or organic pesticide methods. Did you know that a weed called "Queen Anne's Lace" will deter ants ?     Another race of Honey Bee has entered into the picture in America  that's pretty much Varroa Mite resistant.  The Russian Honey Bee.  Very docile and easy to work with,  much less high producers of HONEY !    Let's give some applause to our "Nature's Heroines".   Clap, Clap, Clap !!!

   For more information regarding Russian Honey Bees, Visit:
   Visit us for discussion at :  .  Sign up and I'll see you there.......SwedeBee1970

  Books and reading materials, look for:   Beekeeping for Dummies (Beginners) or Langstroth's Hive and the Honey Bee


The Truth About Green Energy Costs

    For years now,  the same plead to go Green is in the air.   Push, push, push, it seems never ending.   Hollywood is going Green,  the President is going Green,  and the people are following their lead.    Many businesses nowadays are using Lean principles, efficiencies,  recycling, keen on environmental issues with Hazmat, and the list goes on and on.    What's all this mean for the blue collar citizens who wish to go Green ?  Money.     Lots of money.   For what ?    Literally, it costs several dollars per watt of electricity produced.   Watts & Volts & Amps,  Oh my.    Don't expect high rates of return on any Renewable Energy System, just a slow steady one.   

  Let's start with a few simple facts.   Solar power is fueled by the Sun & UV rays, right ?  Sure.    The wattage produced is a different story.  Say we have a 75 watt Solar panel.   75 watts is enough power to supply about 3 efficient 100 watt light bulbs.  Most efficient bulbs run about 25% wattage than the true blue bulb.    When the Sun is out, everything is bright and the bulbs are gleeming with life.  Wait a minute,  where did the Sun go ?   Tricky clouds jumped in front of my Sun and the bulbs went out.  Why ?  The panel is still producing energy.    Just not enough to meet the demand of the 3 bulbs.    From here we use batteries to store the power in.  Deep-Cycle batteries to be exact.    At $80 dollars per battery, we're getting expensive already.   The average battery bank is around 5-10 batteries.  10 x 80 = $800.00.   Yikes !   Consider going Grid-Tied.   Set your system up to collect power and backfeed it to your power company.   Nowadays,  we get exactly what they charge per kilowatt hour, back into our pocket books.   Not bad.   And NO batteries either.

   We don't need to start at this level of cost,  rather,  begin at about a $800.00 budget and work our way down.     For instance,  we have the 75 watt Solar Panel mentioned above.   $200.00 to make one.  Costs another $500 to order one.   Let's stick with the home built Solar Panel for now.    Wiring comes next at about $50.00.   A charge controller is very important.  $100.00.   Deep-Cycle batteries, say 1 of them @ 120 amp hours.  $80.00.   Next, we have the Inverter to change over D/C current to A/C current to run simple things that do not involve complex circuitry like TV's & DVD players, Computers.   $200.00 for 2000 watts capacity.  DO NOT RUN MSW (MODIFIED SINE WAVE) INVERTERS FOR COMPLEX CIRCUITRY, OVER TIME IT WILL RUIN IT !   PSW - Pure Sine Wave only for circuitry.   Grand total is $630.00.    Installation is easy for a true handy person, otherwise set some extra money asside for an installer.  Should only take a few hours to install.  Nothing hefty or expensive.    Most of the items involved here cost much less than stated, however an overbudget is usually the best solution to put smiles on our clients faces.     A small system like this would be perfect to run that small string of lights mentioned earlier.

   Just a note to all you savy tax payers:   30% of this is a 1 to 1 tax credit on your 1040 schedule 5695 form for 2009.   A 1 to 1 tax credit means just that.  For every dollar you pay the Fed,  you get it back at tax time.  For example:  $630 x .30 = $189.00 TAX CREDIT.    What does it cost to build now ?   $441.00.   Not bad.   Even better yet,   have a professional business install it for you.   Tax Rebate from your state is another 30% off of the top.   Check your states Rebate program first before calculating at the DSIRE web page, otherwise, another $189 is taken off the $441 =  $252.   Perfect.      What happens now ?   That string of lights should be on a separate circuit from your power companies and is no longer being charged electricity rates.   Savings, depending on your area could range from .05 cents per day to .25 cents a day.   Multiply that by 30 = $4.50 per month savings average.    Most electric bills average around $100.00.  So 4.5% is being saved per month, thus about 56 months to pay off $252 dollars @ $4.50 per month plus you're not being charged for this anymore.   

    Save the planet ?    You bet !    Think of all the greenhouse gasses saved and the carbon footprint.  And to top that off, consider the fossil fuel we are saving.    If I use this power to hook up a hybrid car,   what am I saving now ?    That makes us literally breathe easier.     So next time you're interested or curious about Renewable Energy,  consider this:

Don't think of the CASH,
Think of the CAUSE !
Use Green Energy !
It's FREE,  It's FUN,
It's the way NATURE intended it to be !

FREE yourself from the greedy hands of those Utilities !

Some books that might be of interest:   Got Sun Go Solar ,  Solar Power your Home for Dummies(beginners)

Power With Nature 2nd Edition

Visit:   for more info on Renewable Energy....See you there....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Orchard growing a must for every yard ?

This is something that I've thought about long before I built my home. I like fruit & vegetables. The stuff tastes like candy to me and I grow organically. Unfortunately todays fruit & veggies have been grown the contemporary way with systemic insecticides. This causes an allergic reaction in my throat and swells up temporarily. Not a very pleasant feeling especially when it wants to make me choke. This may be the problem with most Americans not feeling well. Growing our own backyard orchards may be the answer. It's easy. Look at my orchards. And some suggestions too...

Gardening Organic

Todays dilemma of vegetable gardening consists of too many options. Hybrids, Heirlooms, Organics, Oh my. Which ones do I choose ? Here is a brief description of all of them. Hybrids are non-organic plants/seeds that have been genetically altered to produce foliage, flowers and disease resistance. They are wonderful to look at but grow all kinds of flowers that the bees seem to ignore. No bees, no fruits. Great. Heirlooms: Must be from it's own seed for at least 50 years. These provide advantages that most organics lack. One is the test of time. They also fetch a bigger price at market. You can grow them as an organic seed if you wish not to use chemicals in the soil or topical. Finally, organics: Grown without any chemicals what so ever, however here's the trick.....

Honey bees a threatened species ?

As a new Bee Keeper myself I begin to wonder about the importance of the Honey Bee. Forget about those movies that downgrade bees. I've got stung twice in my 3 months of Keeperhood and that's because of beginners mistakes. Since then, none, nada, zippo, zilch, in fact I can work around them like they're not there. How can I get away with this ? Search my website for the answer...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Green energy. Tidal wave of the future ?

Green energy at its best. Small, simple, and provides free energy towards countless numbers of useful resources. Power your garages. Aerate your ponds. The list never ends. We all need a way to stray from fossil fuels, its harmful emissions, and ozone depleting characteristics. Congress just passed the Cap & Trade clause meaning that ALL utilities, fossil fuels can regulate their price schemes. The question is whether most of us can afford to spend more $$ for the same amount of power. Can you ? Well, believe it or not the answer has arrived ! Follow this link and join the "Joneses".